• “Am I some dangerous revolutionary,” he asked, “that you come with swords and clubs to arrest me?” Luke 22:52b NLT


  • “But this is your moment, the time when the power of darkness reigns.” Luke 22:53b NLT


  • “For God wanted them to know that the riches and glory of Christ are for you Gentiles, too. And this is the secret: Christ lives in you. This gives you assurance of sharing his glory.” Colossians 1:27 NLT


Jesus went through arrest and a disproportionate use of force and manipulation of the system that brought him injustice.  He spoke out and asked when the mob came to arrest him, “Am I some dangerous revolutionary,” he asked, “that you come with swords and clubs to arrest me?” Luke 22:52b NLT 


Jesus knew that this arrest and the circumstances surrounding it ushered in a dark day, and he spoke to it saying:  “But this is your moment, the time when the power of darkness reigns.””  Luke 22:53b NLT


As America is uprising due to the circumstances of injustice against Black bodies due to systemic racism, institutionalized injustice, and economic disempowerment, Faith Place is calling for members, friends, and allies, to join us in solidarity for the following next steps after our marches and protests in calls to action: 

  • Mandatory Implicit Bias Training for Police in all municipalities within our spheres of influence.
  • Psychiatric evaluations for officers before swearing them in and after each altercation where they’ve drawn their gun.
  • Police Departments must establish protocols for discharging officers who cross a threshold for community complaints with the thresholds being established along with community stakeholders.
  • Cities must require positive community engagement for ALL officers, not just community agent officers in predominantly Black neighborhoods (ex. Church events, sporting events, food drives, backpack drives).
  • Calling on those with access to the POTUS to have him publicly condemn acts of police brutality against black people. 
  • Calling on the concerned righteous to contribute financially to justice-bail-and protestor defense organizations within your state.

God lives in you, and the riches and glory of Christ are for us.  We will share God’s glory and manage our lives well in the process. 


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